lunes, junio 18, 2007

Ironic = Life......

No matter what you do, or in what you believe... i wont matter how good you want to be, it only will matter for you and for everyone to understand that: life wont stop, that life will go on and you only will have one choice went it comes to life.... You need to live it the best you can, and you need to understand that life is only one, and that you can't and wont change the way life is, you wont make it less unfair, less hard... you may not be able to change life, but at least you will try to make the best of it and trust me, it Will matter at the end....
It's that simple and a the same thing that hard..... just ironic.........

Just Naitsirhc

martes, junio 12, 2007

Un minuto

Mientras tengas fuerza para luchar por lo que quieres, por lo que eres, mientras cierres los ojos y puedas ver la luz al final del camino date cuenta que todavia queda mucho que hacer en la vida. Cuando todavia puedas sentir el viento en tu cara aunque sea por un minuto al dia, sacar un minuto para sonreir, mientras quede en ti un poco de aliento, no te desanimes, toma aire y sigue construyendo tu camino en la vida... Se necesita mucho para triunfar y absolutamente nada para fracasar, pero mientras puedas detenerte aunque sea un minuto al dia y valorar las pequenas cosas que nos rodean, mientras puedas elevar tu mente por encima del caos de la vida, mientras te acuerdes que un minuto pueda ser la diferencia, puede ser la gota de energia que necesites, podras cumplir todas tus metas.... Tu limite solamente tu te lo pones..

Just Naitsirhc

sábado, junio 09, 2007

To Dream, To believe, to acomplish

Who we are and what we want? those are two question that we think we know, but when the time comes, and life becomes harder and harder, we realize that maybe we don’t know truly who we are and what we want in life, and that scares us.....
sometimes we go through life thinking; “what is going to happen tomorrow?”, we believe that we need to control everything that happens in our future, and when we start losing "control" we block ourselves, when life gets harder, and we can't find the solution, we think about how we just may not make it, when we realize that sometimes it's necessary to change what we have planned we think that is going to be the end, we feel that we have failed ourselves and our family... but the truth is that we can only control our present, the moments that we live each day, that's were the real control is, and if we choose to live each moment one day at a time, to do the best that we can, then my friends, we will have a good chance to have the future that we dream....
i have learned that not everything is going to be how i always wanted it to be, life can be really tricky, and it is not what we want in life that will make us happy, it is how we live our life everyday....
everything in the end is going to be fine, no matter how hard life is now, or how lost one can feel. If we work harder and we live every moment, how it is meant to be lived, then everything is going to be fine, believe in yourself, and nobody will take your dreams...

Just Naitsirch